Wednesday 28 November 2012

Going places and saying goodbye

I miss everyone at home but I'm going to miss everyone here as well.

I more than loved the Miniatur Wunderland model railway we visited yesterday.

I made a gingerbread house, it was very big and was fun to make, here's a picture of it.

I can't wait to see you, everyone.

Tonight I felt really sad when I saw Spencer and Sylvia and Jeff and cute little Lisbeth with baby power go home. Because it was the last day seeing them. I don't know when I'm going to see her again.

Sienna farewells Hamburg and Europe from Danielle Quarmby on Vimeo.

We're going on three airplanes to get home, it's a bit annoying because the airplane food - well, I do not like it. On Friday night we will be home.